Thursday, November 28, 2019
Dystopia or Utopia an Example of the Topic Personal Essays by
Dystopia or Utopia Technological advancement has indeed reached its peak, entering the new millennium. Infinite sources of information can be obtained with just a click of a button. The communication barrier is fading away, with the creation of the internet and cell phones. It does not really matter today, who you are, where you are, and how old you are. Need essay sample on "Dystopia or Utopia" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Everything is connected to each other. More and more discoveries and inventions are appearing our very eyes. It is possible that even our very identity can be cloned in the nearby future. The question that we have to ask ourselves now; do we really need all of these? We are indeed obtaining technological advancement, and fast approaching the state of being a God, but at what price? All I see today when I open the television set is suffering, arguments, protestors, and people getting interviewed, claiming that the end is near. Do we really need all these? The dystopia which Margaret Atwood places in front of us, through her book "Oryx and Crake" may be a little exaggerated, but can be so close to the future that may be headed for us. I see Margaret Atwood as a visionary. Her point of view is in a pessimistic way, but I think we should expect the worst out of things, in order to bring out the best. Atwood, according to my research bases everything on something, and mixes it with her imagination. This fictional book can be our story, our reality. I agree with Margaret Atwoods fear, that our world is facing dystopia instead of utopia. With the events that are happening today in our world, it is truly frightening. Our world is changing, it is dying. If we do not do anything about or recent condition, Homo sapiens, in about fifty to sixty years can very well be classified into the long list of extinct species. The earths ozone is disappearing due to the greenhouse effect that we humans are pumping up. The temperature is changing, and slowl y everything is suffering. This is only one of the thousand reasons why we should start changing. It is for our own good. If it is true that technological advancement improves our way of living, than how come we are slowly deteriorating? I think we are confused. We try over and over again to make things easier for us, but in doing so threaten everything else around us. We must find a way to research, create, and promote inventions or systems without the expense of a priceless asset. There is no doubt that all these things that where created, are for own good. The government, a currency, physical sciences, and even cloning have their own purpose for existence, and our mistake is the lack of mastery. We do not seem to think about the big picture, we do not think about the consequences of our actions. We are the masters of the universe, and it is our responsibility to take care of these gifts that were given to us. In her book, Atwood sees the growth of multinational companies, and our never ending thirst for knowledge to be threatening. She sees us living inside company compounds, and eating manufactured food, and keeps on asking "what if?" This is a question we must ask ourselves before we start doing something. We must think about the consequences of our actions, and accept it. I am not sure if our attitude of never being contented is a good thing or not. Search for supreme power has done more harm than good. The craving to control everything is wrong. We are the masters of the universe, but not Gods. Can it be possible that all these things are a little bit too much? All these studies, systems, and experiments are depriving us of happiness. It is depriving us of being contented. When will we reach the point of satisfaction? I have so many questions going around my head as I write this essay. It is quite depressing that this has become of our world, a world full of greed, hatred, war, hunger, and pain. Nevertheless I can see the endless potentials that our earth and we have. All this knowledge and power can become a good thing. The human race has to go back to its morals and values, and stop all these sorrow that we are implementing to ourselves. I can imagine a world of utopia. Wherein all these intellectual capacity we have are used to solve the problem of world hunger, and where peoples age can reach up to a hundred due to medicine, and biological discoveries, and wherein a wide range of flora and fauna can be seen just by looking out of ones window. All these seem like a dream right now, but can be obtained. But until nothing is done, utopia shall be replaced by dystopia. Margaret Atwood gives us a joyless view of the future through her book "Oryx and Crake". A world wherein the world is infested by a virus, genetic engineering is popular, companies are powerful, and children view pornographic sites, and suicides. It is a science fiction that is happening today. All these events are slowly taking place, right before our eyes. The dystopia which Atwood places in front of me is mind blowing, and really does have a point. But I must look at things at another way. Voyages have been made, viruses have been cured, more and more children are becoming literate, and I get to sleep safe and quiet at night. The assumption of Atwood that anything new is destructive is a little bit far fetched. I believe that change can be for the better. Everything is not yet too late. Yes I feel that at the rate that we are going at, we are headed for dystopia, but not Atwoods dystopia. My idea of our dystopia is like this; Due to our environmental arrogance, the ozone layer will be shattered, and the greenhouse effect shall take place. Because of this, a chain of events shall take place, just like when you push a domino, to a stack of dominos and everything falls down. Animals and plants will all slowly die, and the human race along with it, due to climate change. But that is if we dont all drown right away because of the melting of the polar ice caps. These are what I see of what can happen to us, because it is already happening. Another idea that comes to my mind, when I think of our Dystopia, is that the continents of this earth, shall gain supreme power in artillery and war, and will blow us all up through nuclear powered bombs, just like the superhero or Looney tunes shows that we watch, where the whole planet disappears in a blink of an eye. It is also possible that the time may come, wherein we shall be ultimately dependent to technology. That a system or machine will be created to monitor or guide our every move, that every breath we take may come from a machine, and that every part of our body is genetically modified, or that a cell phone serves like a birth certificate, and if you dont have one, you are not recognized to be a human being. If it so happens that this really happens, and a glitch happens to the system, and does not function, apocalypse shall take place it is really sad to imagine these events as I sit down and type this essay. No human being is born to be evil, but like I mentioned before, our greed, hatred, and thirst for power shall be the soul purpose of our destruction. We are influenced by the society to strive for the best, and never be contented. A nine year old child can obtain enough information to access a gun, and learn how to use it, just by surfing the net for about fifteen minutes. All these knowledge we possess is scary. Self destruction is possible because of the power that we have worked so hard for. I do not think that "Oryx and Crake" was meant to bring joy and hope to its readers, I think it was made to serve as a warning of what may happen to us if we dont start doing anything. Its weird that this research has given me a different perception of the world today, Even though it was not its goal to do so, this book or quote has given me faith in the human race, and it capabilities. That everything is not yet too late. I wish a technique can be constructed wherein we can improve our lifestyle, without giving up another thing. That each man and women can see eye to eye, and work together to help save our dying earth, and race. Satisfaction can be obtained; we just have to start with ourselves. Dystopia is possible, but so is utopia. It is really our choice of what to pick among the two. Reference Page: Dashevsky, Evan. "Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood."(2007). Freeman, John. "Biology Is Destiny." 2003. Vol. Volume 24. Greer, W. R. "Book Review - Oryx and Crake."(2003).
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Crowding Impact in the Prison System essays
Crowding Impact in the Prison System essays Prison overcrowding is one of the biggest challenges facing the corrections system today, and nowhere is it a bigger problem than in the State of California, where "The number of drug offenders imprisoned in the state today is more than twice the number of inmates who were imprisoned for all crimes in 1978" (Schlosser). Much of this overcrowding directly results from increased "war on drugs" in the past decade. Expert Schlosser continues, "During the past two decades roughly a thousand new prisons and jails have been built in the United States. Nevertheless, America's prisons are more overcrowded now than when the building spree began, and the inmate population continues to increase by 50,000 to 80,000 people a Many experts agree that not only are our prisons dangerously overcrowded, they are at the breaking point mostly because of the war on drugs, and that war on drugs has become a massive societal failure. It is costing the nation's taxpayers massive amounts of money in new prisons and to keep prisoners incarcerated, and yet drug use continues unchecked in many of our major metropolitan areas. The war on drugs is not working - rather, it is a criminal justice nightmare playing itself out in the judicial and prison systems of our nation. California is at the lead in overcrowding problems created largely by the war on drugs. The problem is so bad that arrests are not being made throughout the state, because there is simply nowhere to put the accused, the jails are already filled to capacity. "The state's backlog of arrest warrants now stands at about 2.6 million the number of arrests that have not been made, the report says, largely because there's no room in the jails" (Schlosser). Often, judges release lawbreakers held for lesser offenses to make room for criminals with more violent and dangerous backgrounds. In fact, while it would be ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing and sale Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Marketing and sale - Assignment Example Specifically, the current focus group will concentrate on; The first step of a focus group project is to determine various components and project partners. The current focus group project is on a newly developed ââ¬Ëall natural granola style cereal.ââ¬â¢ So, project partners for this focus group will be participants such as, housewives, young consumers of the age group 21-30, young executives and middle-aged professionals. Project partner will also include a moderator, a auditing expert, a technical and a assistant. The total number of participants included in the group will be 10. The focus group is expected to be diverse providing feedback and ideas from different perspectives. As such, the selected focus group will be a mix of male, female and young participants, who are consumers of cereals (NCBI, 2013). Sampling of Cereal Brands: During first stage of the focus group project, a sample survey test will be included and the attendees will be given three cereal brands, where only one brand will be of the company. They will be asked to differentiate on the basis of taste, appearance and likeness. Some of the model questions that can be asked to participants in the sampling survey are: Focus group interview: In the second stage, questions will be asked separately to the focus group regarding quality, taste and other features of the product. Some of the questions that can be asked during the cereal sampling are; Focus Group discussion: The next stage will include an open discussion forum, where the participants will express their views and opinions regarding product, usage and avenues for further improvements. Analysis: After successful conduction of a focus group, the next important stage will be dissemination of data and information gathered during the process. Analysis of the data will help in evaluating alternatives and deciding appropriate actions
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
MGT 407 Module 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
MGT 407 Module 5 - Essay Example Finance and security are other possible departments that may participate in the program along with HR. Risk assessment, standards and procedures, defined roles, designated official, communication, internal reporting and program assessment are the areas that should be according to the article covered by any such corporate ethics program. Ethics particularly in the context of Human Resources generally refer to the principles or laws distinguishing between right or wrong conducts. The recent decades in the USA there has been almost a mushrooming of ethical crises. It is more likely true that in the present era of communication coverups are harder to effectively carry out and hence such instances are being revealed although they have been around for ages. Misrepresentation, Covering up details of anomalies, cheating in essence have been discovered to have proliferated all the layers of corporate America. And surprisingly in many cases these are understood to be almost necessary practices for growth. Blossoming profit making practices by managers via utilization of insider information on shareholder details and stock have emerged as common place. In the face of such falling standards, the role of the HR professional has assumed an unprecedented importance. It is the responsibility of the HR department to create proper e thical codes of conduct, introduce ethical training through different programs as well as employing officers who specialize in ethics. Unethical actions on the part of any employee(s) affects all related customers, employees, shareholders and managers alike. An Employee has to make a many choices each day which if unethical can greatly harm the companys reputation, productivity as well as profits. Such actions can be of various forms and shapes. Utilization of company resources for personal gains (using company phone lines to make personal calls), failing to report
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Casual analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Casual analysis - Essay Example Other causes are lack of intellectually challenging church teachings, and too much emphasis on prosperity rather than Godliness. Church scholars observe that while many people claim to be Christians, most of them rarely attend church on a regular service. This essay discusses the decline of church attendance by review recent statistics, the reasons for the decline, possible remedies and the future of the church. Church Attendance Statistics Studies on church attendance reveal startling statistics that are only indicative of a drastically declining church attendance. In addition to the documented increasing closure of churches, it is recoded that 2.7 million church attendants become inactive members every year (Gill 46). This translates into the observation that an increasing number of people are leaving the Christian church and entering into the secular world where church has no significance. Olson and Adams (7) notes that beginning 1990 through 2000, the total membership of all Prot estant churches in the United States reduced by approximately 9.5 per cent, meaning that 5 million people stopped going to church during that period (). This decline in church attendance occurred despite the population of the nation rising by 24 percent, that is, 11million people. In 2002, 87 per cent of Americans claimed to be Christians in most studies but only around 40 to 50 per cent of them are regular church goers (Jackson 4). This confirms the assertions of theology scholars that church attendance may be up to a half of the population that claims in polls to be Christians. Reasons for Church Attendance Decline One of the major problems cited by church scholars for the decline church attendance is poor church leadership. Most people are simply unhappy with the way their clergymen and church officials run their churches. Chief among the elements of poor leadership is unacceptable management of funds, morale problems, and lack of a clear vision for the members of the church (Jac kson 25). For instance, if a church runs a building fund for over 20 years, there is a likelihood of the members wondering if the building will ever come into being. Moreover, if the church leaders are unable to follow through a course to its completion, the existing members will develop doubts while potential members will get discouraged from joining the church. Moreover, if a pastor or a prominent church member is caught in improprieties, the members of the church who look up to those as their source of inspiration and motivation lose their trust. In addition, there are high chances that a respected church member will deny being involved in wrongful actions. The fact that it can be proven that they actually went against Christian teachings worsens the case because the congregation wonders how evil people are supposed to lead them in leading straight, Christian lives (Gill 47). Another reason blamed for the decline in church attendance is observation that people are finding churche s to be lacking in intellectual challenges. It is crucial to note that more and more members of the young generation are educated at college and university levels, making them thinking people with expanded capacities of knowledge and curiosity (Wijsen and Schreiter 54). The conception of the young people that they always know more than the person preaching at the pulpit apparently gives them the perception that the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Silvio Napoli At Schindler India Management Essay
Silvio Napoli At Schindler India Management Essay Schindler, a Swiss elevator company, had decided to develop and grow its international market share by planting a fully owned subsidiary in India. Its primary goals were to achieve 50 orders in its first year and break even after four years of trading. It also planned to win 20% of the market share inside of 5 years. Silvio Napoli, had been carefully selected as he was the author of the business plan which had documented this take-off. The mindset was that Silvio could replicate his winning Swatch strategy in a rising market that had strong growth prospects. The two key elements of his business plan strategy was (a) the introduction of a line of standardised and non-customised S001 and S003 elevators and (b) the local supply of materials and components. It had been eight months since he took up office and there hadnt been a single sale. Things had gone pear shaped frustrating Silvio as they had hindered his attainment of the targets set for him. Firstly, selling non-standard elevators in India was myopic where customised elevators were critical to new entrant strategies. Secondly, his strategic expansion highlighted cost reduction instead of focusing on product customisation. Thirdly, communication problems and lack of vital support beleaguered the new low-cost subsidiary from its parent company. Finally, it appears personnel were not listening. Introduction The Schindler dynasty had been established 1874 in Switzerland by Robert Schindler. Fifteen years later they were manufacturing elevators. The current successor was a fourth generation Schindler who had chosen to change the companys cultural orientation from an engineering based manufacturing model to a customer centric service company. Over time it had grown into a world class technology leader in elevators and at the time of study was second to none in the production of escalators worldwide. With such accolades it was amazing that it had no operations of its own in the second fastest growing market in Asia India. Schindler had collaborated with a couple of companies to sell its elevators in this market but terminated both agreements due to irreconcilable differences. So, after a long and drawn experience in the Indian market without much success, Schindler has now concluded its best option would be to utilise a Greenfield strategy. This would offer lower risks and higher control. The time was ripe, as in early 1990s Indias economic liberalisation was designed to welcome international competition and foreign investment . In line with this market entry strategy the corporate executive committee appointed Silvio Napoli to head the launch into India. Their decision was based on Silvios strong knowledge of the project derived from the various assignments he had undertaken for them. Other factors swung in his favour including his trustworthiness, flexibility, and more to the point, who was better qualified to realize the business plan than, him, the originator? The strategic implementation of the business plan was not as easy as anticipated. Whilst Silvios myopic vision may be partially blamed he cannot be impugned for other factors beyond his control. This report seeks to clearly show on conclusion that Silvio Napoli was suitable for the General Managers job. It evaluates his first seven months in this position as a leader and offers advice on resolving the challenges and issues that threaten to derail his thorough business plan. Finally, it will provide recommendations to Silvio Napoli for rectification of operational dysfunction and addresses actions Luc Bonnard should take with Silvio to move forward. Silvio Napoli and his Leadership Style Silvio comes across as a young dynamic leader, a company man at that, who leads from the front. Having graduated from Harvard with an MBA and his former semi pro rugby play makes it feasible to say he was gutsy, energetic, well-disciplined and not averse to strong challenges. These leadership qualities were no doubt essential in taking, what his contemporaries called a high-risk decision to spearhead a start up in a cross cultured environment like India. His leadership style isnt democratic which would have suited the task in hand. It seems a hybrid between bureaucratic and laissez-faire with more of a slant towards the bureaucratic. Leaders exploit or employ different power bases. Silvio opted to use the power of position and control. A pedigree from Harvard, he would have known the best leadership style to suit the situation. It seems he wanted to retain responsibility rather than comprehensively delegate otherwise, probably, this style gave him increased control. Whilst it could be used to indicate poor leadership skills, the authors view is that he may have adopted this tight control style to assist in cost cutting and productivity. Different styles offer different degrees of advantages or disadvantages. A negative side of this mixture of leadership style is the blocked contact aspect which creates barriers to communication which can, as seen in the case, hinder success. This is a classic example of a company charging forward wit h an ill-fated product solely because staffs are afraid to pass on negative customer feedback messages. Getting no feedback, positive or negative, should have set alarm bells ringing. At least positive feedbacks can be advantageous as they have a likelihood of producing increased returns. His hyper-focused work style would leave staff in unhealthy positions of weakness and demotivated. Leadership examination would be incomplete without considering the motivation of the leader or the role or motivations of their followers (Kellerman 2004). The mixed views of his team sum him up. His subordinates see him as impulsive, hard-driving, impatient and over-communicative and angry when deadlines are not met. The authors view is that he is not that kind of leader. He has set high targets for himself and knows he will be able to get his staff to emulate him. It could be that as a first time foreign manager he wants to set the boundaries for his new team but has clearly not communicated it well. Another plausible reason may stem from a clash of cultures both national and organisational because these underpin the attitudes, values and beliefs of the staff. Such differences can create misunderstandings, conflicts and tensions. Punctuality is important in Swiss culture where Silvio has begun his working life. However, in the host country the culture is a laid-back attitude. His contemporaries see him as focused, resolute and strong-headed. Such assertiveness does not help his team who are excellent world class professionals. This leader has a lot to learn. His actions suggest he has not quite understood the culture and the market he has been asked to tap into. To, make matters worse hes not ready or willing to change his views. Silvio knows his weakness in relation to the survival of Schindler India, which is a good thing. He sees himself as a warrior with need to have monk tendencies. He knows his controlling nature requires an infusion with patience. Luc Bonnard sums it neatly when he advices him to work on his monk part. As Silvio is a fledgling GM his priorities need to be more relationship-oriented than task -oriented. Getting this issue right would reduce his problems dramatically. Schindlers Penetration into India Alfred Schindler made an excellent choice of starting his own operation in India. His vision was that India would be testing ground for new products and if the project was a success it would be rolled out with modifications for various markets including China. His organisation had all the activities I the value chain (marketing, production, installation design and service) so having a subsidiary in India to design and test the market was a logical step of its evolution. As mentioned earlier, Schindler India planned to use standardisation to penetrate the market quickly utilising economies of scale. Their simple standard product lines had no allowances built in for customisation. It was strangely in direct contrast with the usual modus operandi employed by other Schindler subsidiaries and, in fact, their competitors who also had more product lines. Instead of using Schindlers successful strategy of offering custom equipment, they chose this entry method. Furthermore, to cut costs it would subcontract the manufacturing of the bulk of its component to local suppliers with the rest being supplied through its European counterparts. Many successful companies entering India create long term investments and a strong organisation obligation by assigning senior executives to work with established local personnel. Conquering this market would require recognition of Indias changing elevator landscape. Such knowledge would be instrumental in considering the next course of action where products can be tailored to budgets and tastes of the consumer base. To capture their custom and wallets successfully Schindler should adapt their business model to local environments. Schindler Indias Management Team Silvio has carefully selected from a set of personnel which have been recommended from a top recruitment firm. His core team were adept in their fields. Silvios real world experience on the platform of international trade is almost non-existent. One would argue that Silvio made up for this deficiency by the calibre of personnel he hired to make up his management team. He realised he was out of his comfort zone in India so he hired people that would complement his own weaknesses. Porter (1996) affirms it is possible to improve operational effectiveness by performing similar activities better than rivals through efficiency. It may be that he strategically hired the two people from Otis to pick their brains and share ideas to achieve this goal. Schindlers Key Problems The first error which snowballed into other areas was the decision to use the swatch plans of low-cost entry strategy to conquer India. The success of the low-end Swatch watches had impressed Alfred Schindler he commissioned Silvio to see if he could imitate their low-cost production approach. A big mistake!!! Schindler have always their markets and customers making them number one worldwide allowing them to maintain their strong position in the escalator market. Schindler didnt need to reinvent the wheel in India. The products were not meeting the needs of the market; as could be seen by their voting with their wallets. Drucker (1954) asserts there is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer. Disregarding the opinions of the potential customer can be destructive. The choice as to how escalators should be sold should really be down to the market. Silvios strong- headedness and single mindedness, impatience and over communicative tendencies could breed foes or disgruntled subordinates and jealous colleagues. A variety of internal and external forces influence employee behaviour. Fig 1 shows the impact of top management behaviour and other forces on employees. Culled from Performance Measurement Management Control Fig 1. Forces influencing employee behaviour Another misaligned judgment is seen in how the Schindler Indias cost structures were developed. The strategy failed to take into account the corporate cost structures were based on a customisation model. It subsequently backfired as it meant he had to revise pricing for elevators to a point where building them would be sustainable. Increased costs sent Silvios budget rocketing. The unforeseen and unfavourable exchange rate hikes and hefty increase from 22% to 55% in duties created another problem. The increase in duty and custom tariffs were on the table. He just hadnt thought it through thoroughly. Likewise the increase in transfer pricing. Shipping the sub-assembly products become more expensive thus uneconomical and impractical. With his team, Silvio sought to find an alternate source locally to bypass the risen import duty. It took some time. Time which could have been utilised better if their European counterparts had warned them. This was a non-issue which could easily have been avoided. Silvio had to with resistance on two fronts. The conflict on the European subsidiaries side was based on change. There was no synergy as both sides had different goals. To cap it all two members of his team had sold customised models. Recommendations Solving this problem will entail Silvio Napolis re-evaluation of his strategy. Perhaps, even, he could opt for a new perspective. The swatch strategy is not compatible with the culture and the market they want to enter. Customisation will improve sales and offer higher gross margins. He should focus on orchestrating a new strategy for Schindler and its marketing of escalators in India. This means taking notice of what the customers want as opposed to what his Business plan says. Whatever strategy he chooses will rely heavily on quality business processes and systems. It will rely on synergy which may require training of personnel. To carry out any strategy would require further investment. This investment would be to cover some / all of the following options. One of their major problems relate to customisation. It therefore seems fitting that customisation is adopted to secure targets. Silvio should not digress from product development as it would detract from meeting Alfred Schindlers test track goals. Product development using latest technologies would allow them to stay at the forefront of their game and allow them to transform their vision into reality. The provision of a factory for these processes would be essential. Greenfield operations are particularly noted for the need for recruitment, management and training of local employees. Silvio organised some night-time training for his staff but he, as an expatriate, was not given cultural training. This would have alerted for example him to how cultures communicate differently through silent language. Being lonely in the middle is characteristic of an expatriate who has superficial familiarity of a territory and lacks cultural understanding. In such instances the local workforce manages operations. So his training will need to be done sooner than later. This will enable him to manage as he should as the current feeling of being in full control is illusory. Schindler must consider a merger with a local competitor to further improve local knowledge, offer an established customer base, and giving them access to local plant production units. Alfred Schindler needs to iron out a few issues relating to the structure of the new subsidiary in relation to Head Office. At the moment there uncertainty as to whether head office decides all global policy or if this Silvio has a say, or indeed if strategically the subsidiary operates autonomously. This uncertainty extends to whether Silvios subsidiary has been set up to access and evaluate long term opportunities in the region. He would also need to address cross-cultural management competencies. He will need to decide how various subsidiaries relate to each other. He will need to know if employees in his multinational teams share similar assumptions and causal relationships. A strong memo is required to the various branches to enforce cooperation. Coming from the CEO it will reshape the negative culture. In dealing with the non-standard glass elevator issue Silvio should be customer- centric and accept the order. It would reflect well and possibly give him a foothold to enter an otherwise dominated market if his company forward a superb service. Customers networking have been known to make or break companies. Again, the lack of support from his European counterparts should be reported to the CEO as it will continue to bug his strategy if he lets it fester. The transfer price issue and the lack of technical cooperation are detrimental to the organisation as a whole. It has far-reaching consequences that cannot be overlooked. A key component of his business model called for the outsourcing of manufacturing to Indian companies to give it the edge in the market through its cost differentiation. But if the supply of technical information is being withheld and transfer pricing is not being honoured then Alfred will need to know. Such Petty squabbles may ruin Schindler India especially if it fails to meet it targets constantly. As theres a lot of reverence for Alfred, his involvement could put Silvios backslide into reverse to progress and ultimately hit his set target. Conclusion Strategies are critical factors for the success and maintenance of competitiveness in any firm. All strategic components are vital, no matter how trivial, as all have impact on the implementation. Understanding the complexities of strategies for entering the Indian market was a tough lesson for Silvio who subsequently discovered planning and implementing the initial plans were different, especially where a lacking of inter-cultural competency and communication problems collided to misalign the strategy. His real-world experience to appreciate and recognise these threats were limited but these should in no way negate his qualification to manage the subsidiary in India. Hes the first to admit that the manager would be key to the success of the business plan and Alfred Schindler may have understood the situation and his company better when he predicted Silvio would feel what it means to be in a hostile environment where nothing works as it should. His first seven months may have been a painful lesson. Silvio has had to learn the hard way. It must be said these experiences have made him a better GM. He is made some positive strides since he took over. Juggling both family relocation and building corporate subsidiaries was not planned well. He should have focussed on one before the other as he wore himself out. Nonetheless, he had open two branches, hired the right calibre of people, especially as they were locals. From day one, he had positively tried to elicit commitment to his business plan. His decision to offer strictly standardised products without customisation was irrational especially in the face of customer feedback which indicated otherwise. Silvio should take time to reflect and reassess his business model with his team taking on board their views. He has failed this far because of his inflexibility and his failure to listen.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
My Philosophy of Teaching Essay -- Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of Education To be an effective educator, I believe one must have a foundation of moral and ethical principles. An educator should support the learning environment, while being flexible and teachable. He or she must also lay a foundation of beliefs on how individuals learn, seeking to enable individuals to reach their optimal potential. My personal educational philosophy begins with believing all children are unique individuals, with different emotions and different styles of learning. An educator has the incredible challenge of attempting to meet those needs. As an educator, I believe all children deserve the opportunity and resources that would better enable them to reach their maximum potential. Classroom management is essential to effective teaching. While the reasons for misbehavior can be attention seeking, health problems, boredom, or simple frustration, how the problem behavior is dealt with will eliminate, decrease, or increase the behavior. Therefore, teachers should evaluate and determine appropriate strategies to increase or decreas...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Project Cycle Essay
In this essay, I will outline the TRADITIONAL PROJRCT CYCLE, Macarthurââ¬â¢s PROJECT SEQUENCE MODEL and the PARTICIPATORY PROJECT MANAGEMENT CYCLE by giving their main features and general principles. There after I will discuss which one of them is the best suited to ensure learning takes place and those projects planning are improved. First we need to understand what project cycle is. The planning and managing of the project indicate the cyclic process of the project (Conyers and Hills 1985: 73-61) which opposes Katzââ¬â¢s (1975) ideology of a spiral process. Here in the project cycle, the planning consists of a number of linking phases which exist depending on one another. The project cycle has different phases during its cycle process, namely being phase1: Decision to engage in planning and the creation of an organizationà framework. Phase2: The identification of planning objectives and targets. Phase3: Data collection and processing. Phase4: Identifying alternatives courses of action. Phase5: Appraisal plans and projects Phase6: Implementation and lastly Phase7: Monitoring and evaluation. Though the initial decision to engage in Planning and creation of an organizational framework is stated as phase 1, according to Conyers and Hills, phase 1 is placed at the outer edge of the cycle planning process because this decision is only made once in each country and does not form part of a regular cycle. This step is there to ensure the availability of the necessary human and financial resources to carry out the planning and implementation effectively. The identification of planning objectives and targets which is phase2. This phase is often regarded as political therefore the decision is taken by government leaders. It is stated by (Conyers and Hills: 1984) that during this phase, general rules are laid down to show the course of the countryââ¬â¢s development and the set of principles or ideas used as a basis for oneââ¬â¢s decisions within which development planners can formulate more specific objectives. These general rules are usually sketched in a broad description and indicate medium-term and long-term priorities. Another phase included in the traditional project cycle is Phase3: Data collection and processing. This phase is regarded as the important phase in the development planning of any country. The availability of information is absolutely essential for determining the nature and scope of development problems and resulting in designing alternative course of action to relieve or solving problems. Stated by (Conyers a nd Hills: 1984) The following phase is Phase4: Identifying alternative courses of action. Here is where time is given to identify and specifying alternative courses of action which may be adopted to solve development problems and achieve objectives. These identified courses of action may take form of either a written planning document or a series of projects. Said by (Conyers and Hills: 1984) Phase5: Appraising plans and projects is the phase during which stated by Conyers and Hills that different proposed alternatives areà weighted one another and appraised or assessed the value or quality of their nature. The advantages and disadvantages of alternative courses of action are decided firmly and submitted to those who will ultimately choose between the alternatives. Implementation is Phase 6, though the implementation of plans and projects is part of the project cycle, it is not considered to be part of the planning process mainly because the professional planners are not directly involved the implementation of plans, stated by (Conyers and Hills: 1984). This part is left to the technicians and administrative staff. This does not mean that the planners are free to ignore the implementation process. The implementation phase can not proceed without the other phase of planning or the other cycle and during this period it is actually the development plannerââ¬â¢s job to consider how the plans is to be operationalised. The last phase of the traditional project cycle stated by (Conyers and Hills: 1984) is Phase7: Monitoring and evaluation. What is monitored ad evaluated here is the implementation of the planning. The monitoring and evaluation are undertaken on a continuous basis and not only once, making it part of the implementation process. This phase is intended to establish what takes place during the implementation phase, to determine to what extent objective has been realized, and lastly to formulate the lessons learnt from the experience of the implementation and to solve problems as they arise. This step is said to be the last step of the process, but the actual fact is that the process starts all over again. There is another form of project planning called the Macarthurââ¬â¢ project sequence. This project is a somewhat an opposite of the traditional project cycle. The difference between the project plans will be visible during my description of Macarthurââ¬â¢ project sequence. The Macarthurââ¬â¢ project sequence demonstrates how much more it is complex to plan a project than Conyers and Hills portray it to be. Even though thatââ¬â¢s the case, their cycle is said it does give good idea of the main phases or stages of project planning (Macarthur 1994a: 137) Here in Macarthurââ¬â¢s project sequence diagram, he demonstrates how his modelà is an improvement and more realistic reflection of reality than the simplified academic model. The Macarthurââ¬â¢s project sequence model has three phases which also within it consists of stages or events in the life of the project (Macarthur 1994a: 137) The first phase is the Pre-Investment, where the project is still a set of ideas and proposals. The second phase is the investment Phase, here is where the financial commitment has been made and the fixed productive assets are obtained (Macarthur 1994a:137). He proceed by saying the third phase is the Operation Phase, where the created investments are used to generate the output whose availability in the economy is the main justification of the project (Macarthur 1994a:137) Macarthur does not allow to be the fourth phase in the diagram (even though he admits it would make sense to do so) consisting of box 18-21, but he thinks this will make the diagram too complex. He also did not include the eight possible sources of project ideas (which are listed above box 1) as part of the project sequence because he feels that they form part of outside project activities such as broader policy formulation and the government activities and planning (Macarthur 1994a:137) (Macarthur 1994a:137) also stated that his diagram differs from the Conyers and Hills cycle because it has ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢exitââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ routes where are alluded as ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢abandonmentââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. This allows a project to continue from one step to the next when it fails. He also says that this allows projects to enter at places other that the identification stage. Allowance of more entrances enables projects to be pat of larger programs rather than being just a mere stand-alone project. It allows the proposals to be ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢sent backââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ for reconsideration or refinement of the first phase which is the Pre-Investment Phase didnââ¬â¢t go well. Macarthur lastly explains the last Phase 3 which is the Operations Phase. He states that this is where the improvements on the other project cycle diagram are presented since they make no mansion of this phase in their diagram. Box16 of Macarthurââ¬â¢s diagram (which is the transmission to normalà administration) reflects the importance of this phase. He says this part indicates the point at which a new project stops to have a special identity as a unique or different set of activities and becomes part of the responsibility of a section in the organization that is responsible for the operation of productive facilities (Macarthur 1994a: 137) In Macarthur (1994a:137) sequence diagram, evaluation immediately takes place after implementation of the project in order to reflect on the experiences during implementation and to take note of any lessons learnt in order to feed these back into similar project that may be undertaken later (Box 18) The aim of the evaluation that takes place after years of the operation has been done is to make more proper assessment of the rates of return received on the money initially invested in the project (Macarthur 1994a: 147-148) Both Macarthur (1994) sequence planning and Conyers and Hills cyclic planning show a blueprint approach are inflexible and difficult to change. The projects are systematically and carefully planned in advance and implemented strictly according to the formulated plan. Their design is to the provision of a large physical infrastructure like industrial projects. The infrastructure that regard is easy to obtain in which to the base the project. The Macarthur (1994a: 137) sequence and Conyers and Hills cycle project plans got criticized by Rondinelli (1983) in the late 1970s and the early 1980s. Rondinelli (1983: viii) says that the problems that come with a strict blueprint approach can be minimized by using ââ¬Å"Adaptive approach that relies on adjustive and strategic planning, on administrative procedures that facilitate innovation, responsiveness and experimentation on decision making processes that join learning with actionâ⬠. An adaptive approach is also known as the learning process planning mode. It provides for successive stages of EXPERIMENTATION, PILOT, and DEMONTRATION AND REPLICATION OR PRODUCTION. The important statement in this approach is that there is little certainty about which technique will work in the longà term for a particular country (Rondinelli 1983: viii). Selected techniques are applied and exposed to regular field tests, after which activities are designed in accordance with what was learnt in the field. The outcome is that project planning is made more flexible by modifying and adapting project as more knowledge is obtained about environment. One of the statements about learning process approach is that there should be continual communication between project planners, implementers and the inhabitants of the area affected by the project (Korten 1980: 480-511), (Sweets and Weisel 1979: 127-130). Long (2001: 64-79) also supported this by explaining why participation is so important on development effort. He stated that poor people know their economic and social problems best and have insights and ideas about what could be done to solve them. Lane (2005) also supported Rondinelli (1983) criticism by making a critique of his own of various planning Models among which is the blueprint approach like those discussed previously. Lane (2005) stated that there are more flexible approaches like SYNOPTIC APPROACH which he feels allows for what he calls ââ¬Å"tokenisticâ⬠participation. He also mentioned other flexible planning approaches such as ââ¬Å"mixed planningâ⬠, ââ¬Å"incrementalismâ⬠as well as approaches like ââ¬Å"transitiveâ⬠planning and communication theories. Lane (2007: 296) argues that ââ¬Å"whereas participation was previously viewed as a decision making adjust, all schools of contemporary era view participation as a basic and important element of planning and decision making. Even though the traditional project cycle of Conyers and Hills was criticized by other models. It has an advantage of providing for a number of phases designed in such a way as to link the formulation of basic policy guidelines to specific projects and programs; this ensures that the lessons learnt from the implementation of each phase will be in corporate into the next cycle. Because in this cyclic project planning the process usually starts all over again after the last phase which is phase 7, it gives the planners an opportunity to learn from the lessons of the past. The Macarthur (1994a:à 137) project planning sequence has its advantage of having the allowance of ââ¬Å"exitâ⬠route, which is referred to as ââ¬Å"Abandonmentâ⬠. When a project fails to continue from one stage to the next. Another advantage of Macarthurââ¬â¢s sequence is that it allows for ââ¬Å"projects to enter at places other than the identification stage (1994a: 138). He also adds that by allow ing for more entrance, enables Macarthur to make provision of other projects that may be part of a larger programs, rather than mere stand alone projects. Thirdly project proposals can be ââ¬Å"sent backâ⬠for reconsideration or refinement. The participatory project management cycleââ¬â¢s adoptive approach has its own advantage of consisting of continuous cycle of action, reflection and adaptation, which Den Heyer (2002: 525) refers as ââ¬Å"learning loopsâ⬠. Even though all three of the project planning models has advantages, there are some disadvantages that come with them that make them to be not applicable for use in some project planning. The disadvantage of traditional cyclic model as pointed by Macarthur (1994a: 135) is that Conyers and Hills traditional cyclic model omits certain key moments in the life of a project, which means that we do not really get an adequate description of all the actual phases or stages through which large projects in particular, move. Macarthurââ¬â¢s (1994) project sequence also has its disadvantage. It is criticized by Rondinelli (1983: viii) and Lane (2005) that the sequence is a blueprint approach, and blueprint approaches are too strict and inflexible. Which they feel blueprint approaches donââ¬â¢t allow for participation. Longà (2001: 74) also agrees with this critique that blueprint approaches do not allow participation and flexibility needed to carry out the project.à As much as participation approach has a lot to criticize on other approaches, it also has its disadvantage, which is by the point of view of (Lane 2007: 296) is that participation is a remedy for the inadequacies or weakness of the more rigid blueprint approaches. In my opinion, I think the participatory approach is the best approach that ensures that learning during implementation takes place because it is flexible and includes the techniques use in both the cyclic and the sequential approaches. It does notà only accommodate infr astructural projects but also the people centered projects that will benefit the people. Just like the Tanzania Participatory Poverty Assessment project. Where PPA was designed to complete a natural Human Resource Development (HRD) survey on 1993 by focusing on gathering information on poverty as defined by local people in their own terms (Moriiti and Crawford 2009: 296). BIBLIOGRAPHY. Biggs & Smith; Hart, Burgess, Beukes & Hart; Lane.2009. Only study guide for DVA2602.Pretoria: University of South Africa PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMES AS INSTITUTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT: a reader, 2009: contributed by Muriithi and Crawford. Pretoria: University of South Africa.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Industrial Revolution Essay by BestEssay.Education
The Industrial Revolution Essay Any student in a modern western civilization or history course will of course reach those units related to the Industrial Revolution ââ¬â the early Industrial Revolution (1750-1850) in England and the ensuing second Industrial Revolution that spread to the rest of Western Europe and America. This was a fascinating time in manââ¬â¢s journey, for it brought changes in lifestyles that no one could have imagined, along with social, economic, and political upheaval. It is no wonder, then, that instructors and professors love to assign essay and research papers on a huge variety of topics related to both Industrial Revolutions. If you have options for topics, you will have no problem finding one that interests you, because they are so varied. And almost any type of essay can be written as well ââ¬â descriptive, definition, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, and persuasive/argumentative. Here are some topic ideas for essays of each type. Descriptive Describe the working conditions in specific industries ââ¬â meat packing, coal mining, steel or automotive factories. Describe the impact of the invention of the steam engine on industries other than transportation Describe the exodus from rural to urban areas and the living conditions in urban areas surrounding factories Definition What is an industrial revolution? Can we say that mankind, throughout all of history, has had mini industrial revolutions beginning with the invention of the wheel? Provide an extensive definition of the term division of labor both during the Industrial Revolution and today How did Henry Ford define the factory system that he created? Comparison/Contrast Contrast the manufacturing systems that used steam engine power with those that later came to use coal and hydroelectric power? Compare and contrast the lifestyles of so-called ââ¬Å"nativeâ⬠Americans with those of newer immigrants who came from Eastern and Southern Europe. Contrast the public educational systems between the years 1875-1945 and today. Cause/Effect What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the family unit? What changes in governmental economic policies occurred as a result of the industrial revolution? What conditions and pressures resulted in child labor, work hours, and working conditions laws that restricted powerful industrial leaders? Persuasive/Argumentative Write a persuasive essay that supports or rejects the notion of laissez-faire capitalism. Minimum wage laws in the U.S. began in 1938. Make a case that they are or are not necessary today. Government regulations of industry and commerce began as early as the 1920ââ¬â¢s. Are we-over-regulated today? What single invention during the Industrial Revolution (first or second) do you believe has, over time, had the greatest impact on man? Writing the Industrial Revolution Essay These essays, like those for any other courses, will require the same basic structure ââ¬â introduction, body and conclusion. As well, be certain that you have included the following: A strong thesis statement in your introduction. Why is this topic important? The answer to that question will give you your thesis. You must have supportive detail for each point that you make in your body paragraphs. This means that you will need facts and figures from research ââ¬â donââ¬â¢tââ¬â¢ scrimp! Begin your essay with a startling statistic or a short anecdote from your research. Be creative. Your essay can utilize interesting formats. For example, an essay that describes life on the factory floor might be written in the form of a letter that a new immigrant is writing to his family back in Europe. Writing the Industrial Revolution Research Paper Any of the topics above could be expanded to produce an excellent research paper. And, because of the time period involved, there are innumerable primary resource materials available. Use those, rather than secondary source materials. They are easy to find, and your instructor or professor will be greatly impressed! For these and any other essays or papers for which you need help, be sure to contact the helpful folks at .
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The words heal Essay Example
The words heal Essay Example The words heal Essay The words heal Essay 1991). And He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing (Luke 4:18-21). Luke includes all of the healing events in Mark except Mark 6:45-8:26. The healing ministry of Jesus points to the arrival of the kingdom of God as promised in the Old Testament. Christ healed men not only of bodily diseases but also of demon possession. With the coming of Christ the Satanic powers were subject to His power and spoken word. They glimpse the splendour of Christ the King as He casts out demons. Here is evidence the kingdom has come (Clowes et al, 1817). Jesus trained His disciples, empowered them and sent them out to minister to the needy. His disciples were empowered with Holy Spirit and they went into the cities and towns and proclaim the love of God to the sick, poor and needy. Encourage people to live 3 good and healthy lifestyles in order to keep their health. They also teach and also heal the sick in the name of the God. Without fear of their lives they often go into the foreign countries and do ministerial work. They often adapted to the new environment by adopting their cultures, beliefs and values. By doing so they get acquainted with people concern hence provide better service to them. The Gospel of John has only four examples of Jesus healing ministry even though John was with Jesus during the three year ministry. Jesus healed the royal officials sick son at Capernaum, the cripple who had been helpless for 38 years, the man blind from birth, andà rising of Lazarus from the dead. These miracles were attesting signs pointing to Jesus as the Son of God. (Bosworth, et al, 1973). Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:30-31). The healing ministry was a ministry of proclamation of the kingdom of God. The kingdom had arrived with the coming of the King. When Christ returns we will see the consummation of the kingdom of God. There will be the manifestation of the glory of the King and His reign. The healing ministry of Jesus is simply the outworking of His majesty and power. In Matthew 8:16-17, quoting Isaiah 53:4 we see the Suffering Servant of the LORD is fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies by His healing miracles. The healings give evidence that He is the Anointed of the LORD. This is a necessary element of His messianic work. This is why He has the authority to heal on the Sabbath (Borg, Marcus and Wright. 1999). 4 What Jesus began to do in His first coming He continues to do through His Body, the church (Acts 1:1-8). This is the work of the Holy Spirit in the Body. The main emphasis of Acts is on proclamation. The disciples of Jesus went about doing what Jesus was doing by proclaiming the good news of Jesus and calling men to put their faith in the risen Christ. People were healed in the name of Jesus. The apostles Peter and John healed a poor lame beggar. But when Peter saw this, he replied to the people, Men of Israel, why are you amazed at this, or why do you gaze at us, as if by our own power or piety we had made him walk? (Borg et al, 1999). The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His servantà Jesus, the one whom you delivered and disowned in the presence of Pilate, when he had decided to release Him. But you disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be granted to you, but put to death the Prince of life, the one whom God raised from the dead, and a fact to which we are witnesses. And on the basis of faith in His name, it is the name of Jesus which has strengthened this man whom you see and know; and the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect health in the presence of you all (Acts 3:12-16). This is the thrust of the healing done by the apostles in Acts. The stress is upon theà resurrection of Jesus Christ. The risen Christ is doing these things (Acts of the Apostles 1911). The authorities could not silence the apostles. They wouldnt shut up talking about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence, while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus (Acts 4:29- 30). Peter healed Aeneas and raised Tabitha from the dead. Philip, the lay evangelist went about preaching the gospel and healing the sick and the unclean spirits. Remember, he was one of the first deacons in Acts 6. The apostle Paul went about preaching and establishing 5 new churches, healed the sick, cast out demons, and raised Eutychus from dead after he went to sleep and fell out a window and died during Pauls sermon. I think it is important to note that Paul says very little about healings in his letters (Acts of the Apostles 1911). In 1 Corinthians 12:9, 28 Paul wrote about the gift of healing. The word healing, literally healings (plural) can refer to various healings such as emotional as well as physical ailments by natural as well as miraculous means. The context determines the interpretation. The context of this passage teaches that not every believer is given all these gifts, and that God is sovereign in His distribution of gifts for the edification of the body (Andrew et al , 1982). The Bible reveals that God not only advocates health, but He actually abhors or hates sickness. Leviticus 21 clearly reveals that God would not allow sickness in His presence, which in those days was in the temple. Now, in New Testament times, our bodies are His temple. According to 1 Corinthians 3:16: ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t you know that you yourselves are Godââ¬â¢sà temple and that Godââ¬â¢s Spirit lives in you? â⬠If you are sick, the fact that God hates sickness does not mean that you are unworthy or that He hates you. He just hates the sickness that you have, because it is not from Him It is His perfect will to heal you and for you to be in health (3 John 2) (Bosworth et al , 1973). In Old Testament passages such as Deuteronomy chapter 28 where it appears that God is putting sickness on people, Jim Glennon (1980) explains that the nuance of the Hebrew wording shows that because of the peopleââ¬â¢s disobedience, the text really means that God is ââ¬Å"caused to allowâ⬠the sicknesses. Our behaviour can ââ¬Å"cause him to allowâ⬠sickness to come upon us, even though it is not His perfect will. For example, suffering from AIDS is not his will, but if man indulges in promiscuous behaviour by his own free will, which God will not 6 violate, God is caused to allow AIDS. Man has brought it upon himself, as did the ancient Israelites. Rebellion against God and His commands can cause him to remove his protective shield over us, such as promised in Psalm 91 and elsewhere, and allow the natural consequences. However, do not despair if you have a disease caused by sin. If you confess your sin to God, His grace and mercy can still provide your forgiveness and healing. Other reasons for sickness are: (1) Some people abuse their bodies, using harmful substances, or not allowing enough rest; (2) excessive stress; and (3) some people do not provide the body with nutritious food, often substituting junk or processed food. Much modern commercial food is deficient in nutrients and contains chemical additives, such as hormones and antibiotics in excessive exposure to meat and dairy products, andà environmental pollutants (Counsels on Health, 1923. ) Also, many people violate Godââ¬â¢s food guidelines in the Bible and still expect to remain healthy. Examples are in Leviticus chapter 11, no longer a legal requirement but still the wisdom of God. Paul said, Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial (1 Corinthians 10:23). Godââ¬â¢s law of sowing and reaping always applies, but His grace transcends our past mistakes. Allow God to show you any area that needs attention. When sick people came to Jesus and asked to be healed, He did not reject them nor refer them to the doctors. He did not ask them to make an appointment with Luke because he is a doctor. God uses doctors, who can be especially helpful with things like fractures and wounds. Those in healing ministries usually encourage the sick not to ignore proper medical attention, nor to stop their medications, possibly to protect themselves against lawsuits, but also maybe wisdom in many cases. It is not necessarily a lack of faith to see a doctor, and your healing will be a witness to the doctor of Godââ¬â¢s power (The Ministry of Healing, 1905). 7 However, be careful, because doctorsââ¬â¢ three main methods slash, burn and poisonà often do more harm than good: (1) slash (surgery, often dangerous and mutilating), (2) burn (radiation, with bad side effects) and (3) poison (drugs, most all with bad side effects that you may not be told about). If Jesus tarries, I believe someday current medical practices will be considered primitive and outrageous. More people are refusing these highly invasive and potentially harmful medical procedures and are opting to trust God, and perhaps also using natural alternatives. Even many medical doctors have become disenchanted with the failures of their profession and are turning to alternative (complimentary) medicine. Studies show that doctor and healthcare mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the world, whereas God has never made a mistake. (Jim Glennon ,1980). To conclude, Jesus set a foundation for all of us to follow in our Christian journey. He healed the sick, feed the hungry, and teach the people on how to care for themselves. During his ministry on earth, he had endured many challenges in terms of health. People often coming with all sorts of problem with the hope that he will heal them. He performed miracles and also raised death and gave them the second chance to live. As future nurse of thisà country, the challenge is whether we will go and minister to the sick, lame and broken hearted like Jesus did or we will hide our identity as Christ chosen generation to work in his field. 8 Reference Pilch, John J, (1991). Sickness and Healing in Lukeââ¬â¢s Acts: The social world of Lukeââ¬â¢s Acts. Peabody MA: Hendricksons Publishers. The Acts of the Apostles. (1911). Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, Borg, Marcus J. , and N. T. Wright. (1999). The Healing of Jesus: Two Visions. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. Counsels on Health. (1923. ) Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association,à Davies, Stevan L. , (1995). Jesus the Healer: Possession, Trance and the Origins of Christianity. New York: Continuum Publishing Company. The Ministry of Healing. (1905). Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, F. F. Bosworth, Fleming H. Revell. , (1973). Christ the Healer. Grand Rapids, MI) The Holy Bible. (1985) . Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association Andrew M and Whitaker H, (1982, Divine Healing. New Kinsington: PA. Jim Glennon (1980). Your Healing is Within You. South Plainfield, NJ: Bridge Publishing. Clowes S and John H, (1817). The Miracles of Jesus Christ. Manchester, UK: J. Gleave.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Hand By Hand School of Autism Research Proposal
Hand By Hand School of Autism - Research Proposal Example But if the school offers more courses and adopts a more flexible policy it can achieve much more than planned. Threats posed to school include recession in industry as well as changes in government policies or in legislature. Demographic or cultural shifts can also be lethal. Hand By Hand school of Autism will focus on the kids aging from 5 ââ¬â 12 years with the autism disorder. Business is a venture of four partners where all of them are responsible for equity in the ratio of 1:1:1:1 and for management too. All are business graduates hence understand the processes and plans completely. Specialized faculty will be hired in order to maintain the standards of the school. Class room environment will be of special importance. Courses will be in accordance to the needs. Feedback will be given to the parents on regular basis. Students will have regular sessions with the psychologist in order to examine their mental health. School will help parents diagnose and assess the disorder and help cure it at early stages. School will help the kids with speech therapy, physical education, music education and outdoor activities to overcome their disabilities. School website will contain effective advertising material along with description of services the school is providing. Faculty will be introduced on our webpage to make the parents know about them. Studentsââ¬â¢ attendance record can also be checked by the parents online. Financial statements are projected at the end and some graphs are given to show the growth and profitability ratios. Vision We aspire to be most reliable and quality oriented autistic institution in Canada with an emphasis upon excellence. With excellence in quality, we also give importance towards lowering the expense of the parents. Thus, we aim to provide quality service at an affordable price. Mission To fulfill our vision we provide an encouraging and conducive to growth environment to the learners along with inculcation of excellent academic as well as extra-curricular skills to make them productive citizens. Our programs are designed in such a way that all around development of the individuals are facilitated. The programs are designed after consulting the doctors and experts. The teachers who will be hired will have significant experience in this area. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Vision 3 Mission 3 Industry Analysis 6 SWOT Analysis 6 Porterââ¬â¢s Five Forces Model 7 The Idea 8 The market 9 Competition 10 Value Proposition 10 Market strategy 12 Marketing Objectives 12 Risk 15 Financial 16 Sensitivity 17 Operational Timelines 19 The Team and Advisory Board 20 References 24 Appendix 25 The Industry Every business operates among a group of firms, who produces competing services and products, which is termed as an industry. In simple words, industry can be referred to as a group of organizations, who are dealing in identical services and products. Although there is a significant amount of differences between the competitors, yet every industry has their own set of rules regarding the price, product and distribution (C.A. Rao, B.P. Rao & Sivaramakrishna, 2009). Before starting any new business, it is important for the strategic manager to understand the structure and then decide on the ways in which the firm will be competing with other competitors. Therefore, industry analysis is a critical step in framing the strategies. Strategy is the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Business Plan for Indian Restaurant - Pearls Valley Restaurant Case Study
Business Plan for Indian Restaurant - Pearls Valley Restaurant - Case Study Example Considering the overall nature of the business, our new proposed business will be a sole propertiership and as such the business, as well as the owner, will remain the same person. A sole proper internship is also called sole trader in which all assets and liabilities of the business are the personal liabilities of the owners. A sole proprietorship will be easier to formulate with lesser legal complications as well as fewer regulations to follow. This makes the sole proprietorship a better and more manageable option to exercise for the achievement of overall intended objectives. It is also important to understand that a sole proprietorship is relatively easier to manage and the owner can take charge of many important issues himself with fewer expenses. The proposed name of our new business is Pearls Valley Restaurant which will be an Indian restaurant catering to the needs of Indian and Pakistani customers. Starting a new business is always a challenging task and requires considerable effort and investment to successful start the business. This, therefore, means that the entrepreneurs must not only put in their skills and efforts but also invest the required funds to initiate a successful business. What is also, however, critical to understand that in order to open the new business, it is important that a comprehensive preparation must be done so as to cover as much as ground as possible in order to cover the risks. The proposed name of our new business is Pearls Valley Restaurant which will be an Indian restaurant catering to the needs of Indian and Pakistani customers. This will be a small restaurant and as such the overall organizational structure of the proposed will be simple with owners managing the affairs of the business with relatively smaller input/help from employees involved in managerial activities.
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